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All the good stuff...

7 min read
The Power of the Sub-conscious
I make a lot of suggestions about changing our sub-conscious programs - to do that you need to understand how the brain works. So let's...

5 min read
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset - the belief that challenges are opportunities to improve, not threats to status or identity. Let's talk about that!

2 min read
The Power of Positivity
I talk alot about the need for positivity and self-awareness. here i share the work of Bruce Lipton who explains it far more eloquently

4 min read
Fear and change - they are all about choice
Life is challenging! and Fear of change is strong. Leaning into the new is a choice and one that we can't let fear stop us from doing.

4 min read
Commitment - there's no other way through
Bringing together Brendan Burchards HP6 is called commitment. Exploring 6 ways to support soul-deep commitment to the best life

4 min read
Courage starts small, but it starts now
6th of 6 looking at Brendan Burchards HP6. Demonstrate Courage - Courage is not fearlessness; it is taking action & persisting despite fear

4 min read
Be the influence you want to see
5th of 6 looking at Brendan Burchards HP6. HP5 Develop Influence - it doesn’t just happen. You develop through it through intention

3 min read
Productivity - It's all about PQO
4th of 6 looking at Brendan Burchards HP6. HP4 Increase Productivity - to be successful figure out the productive outputs that matter

5 min read
Necessity born of congruence
3rd of 6 looking at Brendan Burchards HP6. HP3 Raise Necessity - how to use your mind to make it more necessary for you to become successful

4 min read
Bring the energy of joy
2nd of 6 looking at Brendan Burchards HP6. HP2 Generate Energy is today's focus - enduring mental, physical & emotional vibracy. yes please!

4 min read
Above all else - Clarity
1st of 6 looking at Brendan Burchards HP6. HP1 Seek Clarity is today's focus - my personal bugbear in most companies and teams - no clarity

4 min read
High Performance - Brendan style
I have always found Brendan Burchard's approach to be so engaging, insightful and practical. Here's why - with his High Performance Habits
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