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All the good stuff...

7 min read
Are you listening?
The average human has an 8-second attention span, yet spends 60% of their time listening. How do we know we are being listened to?

5 min read
"Complex problems are just lots of simple problems added together." A reflection on this insightful comment.

6 min read
Collaborative Overload
Sometimes it all just gets too much! Meetings meetings meetings! HBR called it Collaborative Overload, and i hear that! so let's explore it.

6 min read
Anatomy of Trust
A homage to Brene Brown's BRAVING work around the Anatomy of Trust and how we can learn and apply that in our own lives daily.

5 min read
Let's Talk
I feel like we’ve stopped talking. We may be in back-to-back meetings, and speaking to others all the time, but I don’t think we’re talking.

3 min read
It's all about the flow...
Flow is about how items or people move through a process from the 1st to last steps. TOC is an interesting method to understand this.

7 min read
Power of Questions
“We live in the world our questions create” – David Cooperrider. How do we make sure we use the power of questions effectively?

6 min read
Training your Subconscious
Your subconscious mind is designed to keep you in your comfort zone. If you don't want to stay there, you need to train it.

8 min read
Resilience in King
Resilience. it's becoming a well-used phrase but what does it mean. It is in fact a key differentiator in the human response to stress

8 min read
Modern Stress
Stress these days is a term that's banded about very easily. But truly understanding it physiologically is important to be able to manage it

7 min read
Productivity: common sense but not common practice
Being productive - not a one size fits all thing. Here are my tips on how to personalise your approach and get back in the driving seat

4 min read
If it doesn't add value: it's waste
Adding value is what matters. Doing the role that delivers no value is waste. 5 ways to drive greater value
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