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4 min read
Goal Check-in
Have you passed Quitters Day? Let's check-in on goals set and see if we're still on track? If not, learn the psychology of goal-setting

7 min read
Are you listening?
The average human has an 8-second attention span, yet spends 60% of their time listening. How do we know we are being listened to?

4 min read
The power of changing your mind
The power of changing your mind lies in the level of trust, ability to communicate and the willingness to be inquisitve and open-minded.

7 min read
Power of Questions
“We live in the world our questions create” – David Cooperrider. How do we make sure we use the power of questions effectively?

8 min read
Resilience in King
Resilience. it's becoming a well-used phrase but what does it mean. It is in fact a key differentiator in the human response to stress

4 min read
High Performance - Brendan style
I have always found Brendan Burchard's approach to be so engaging, insightful and practical. Here's why - with his High Performance Habits
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