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Bring the energy of joy

Having clarity brings you the ability to be purposeful and intentional about where you’re going, but ultimately if you don’t have good energy on that path – you’re toast.

It takes a lot of energy to succeed over the long haul. High performers have the magical trifecta of capital “E” Energy – that holistic kind that includes positive and enduring mental, physical, and emotional vibrancy. It’s the differentiator that helps them perform better in many areas of their life. Its why high performers have so much more passion, stamina, and motivation. If you can tap into the capital “E” Energy stored within, the world is yours.

We can all recognise that if your energy is low in any area then life doesn’t feel good. Your presence and productivity is jeopardised if you can’t come into each day with the maximum amount of energy or knowing how to manage it.

So we need to be responsible for the energy we project into the world – in other words our attitude (i.e the energy we give other people). Stop pretending that the energy you have just happens “I don’t know why I feel this way” No, you had thoughts and conditioning that led to the energy you have today. When people are mean, rude, or negative, often they are not being thoughtful about the energy they are projecting into the world. But everyone sees it – kids, family, colleagues – so be intentional about it.

"It’s not about what you HAVE. It’s about what you’re GENERATING" - Brendon Burchard

Remember the power plant doesn’t have energy, it generates energy. You don’t have emotions or feelings ongoing over time, you are generating them through your thoughts, actions and conditioning, it’s as choice. So make a positive, empowered, intentional choice aligned to your clarity for the greatest benefit for all (remember your service quadrant)

If the demands of your life require you to learn quickly, deal with stress, be alert, pay attention, remember important things, and keep a positive mood, then you must take sleep, exercise, and nutrition very seriously. We must accept that we are all unique and we derive our energy in different ways. Some people garner energy from others, whilst others need solitude to self-generate it. Some get it from being physically active, others from being still. Some from food, some from air. Work out which one you are (extrovert or introvert, exercise or meditation, feed or fast) and ensure your schedule allows for that. For example, I know that to be extroverted in the office I need to ensure I have enough alone-time to replenish my energy reserves and meditate, or I can become negative and suck energy from others – which doesn’t help anyone.

Let’s share some practical hints and trips from Brendon on how to generate and manage your energy.

Manage your transitions:

Our days are made up of a series of transitions – it starts with one – rest to activation, and then we move through different energies as we progress through our day. So, as you move from space to space, meeting to meeting, people to people.

  • Take a moment to set your energetic intention for the next transition. Close your eyes, take a deep breathe, release the tension in your mind and body, set a clear intention for the next activity, open your eyes and get to work with vibrant focus.

  • It takes seconds but can make all the difference.

"Slow down. Be Intentional. Notice the energy you are bringing into this space and moment." - Brendon Burchard

Bring the Joy:

As a means of being intentional about the energy you bring, focus on joy. If there is any defining emotion or feeling that we are all after – it’s joy. But we keep waiting for someone to make that happen for us. So first, evaluate your life and say what are things that don’t bring you joy - can you do less of them, delegate them? And what are the things you really love to do – can you do more of them? Create a joy list –if by now, as an adult, you don’t know what naturally brings you joy – what’s up with you? Do the work – write the list…

  • As we learnt in the last blog, a key part of the mission of life is to bring joy to other people through service. Another way to put it - You’ve heard it said that showing up is 80 percent of success? Well, if you want to be a high performer, show up and bring the joy.

  • High performers will themselves into positive states. Just as athletes do specific things to get themselves into “the zone,” high performers consciously cultivate joy. So, be the energy pace setter for the people around you – give them the gift of joy, be the most positive person in their life because it will shock them, it will make you a better leader, a more intentional human and because you are bringing joy you will ultimately feel it more because when you share joy with others, they share the spark back with you and that magical thing happens – it’s a conversation of joy!!

Trigger yourself.

Brendon shares 4 triggers to make the above 2 tips easier (from a habit-forming perspective).

  1. Use technology to remind you - set an alarm or reminder on your phone that reads BRING THE JOY! Have it go off several times a day, so glancing at your phone will bring it to the forefront of your mind.

  2. Use physical actions – like door frames. Every time you walk through a doorway, say to yourself, “I will find the good in here. I’m entering this space joyfully and ready to share.”

  3. The “waiting trigger”. Whenever you are waiting in line, or for someone or a meeting to start ask yourself, “What level of presence and vibration do I feel right now, on scale of 1 through 10?” This gives you the chance to set your intention as you transition.

  4. The “gift trigger.” Whenever something positive happens around you, say to yourself “What a gift!”

Next blog I'll be talking about HP3 - Raise Necessity – one of the habits I feel we are missing the most and one I feel you’ll get a lot out of.

Until next time...



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