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Lockdown 2.0

Well here we go again right? Lockdown 2.0

Yes we’ve been here before, and we all started out positively, thinking of our lockdown bucket lists (learning the piano, weekly zoom quizzes, lots of gardening, daily walks etc..) but that as we now know wears off and monotony and frustration sets in.

As we enter this second lockdown at a time when winter is upon us - the shorter darker, wetter days a distant relative of the long sunny days of the first version. I wanted just to encourage you all to take a step back and reflect on what you need to get you through November.

I know for some of you, the hints and tips I shared previously on how to boost your immune system naturally and understand how stress affects our immune system were useful - so remind yourself.

For others it was the blogs around finding the positives and thinking about well-being and kindness to others as we all deal with these challenging situations differently. Don’t forget you can find these here any time.

“I truly believe that if you take care of your employees, they will take care of your business” - Richard Branson

We know that you, our people are our greatest asset, and we need to stick together as we work through these unprecedented times.

So I urge you to take full advantage of the areas where your company has sought to support you beyond the standard – they won't be able to address every issue immediately, and all companies are constrained, just as our lives are in totality right now – but most really are trying and you should recognise that.

I also urge you to check in with yourself, how are you feeling? Are your being positive or negative when it comes to the challenges we are facing. Do you feel isolated or engaged, are you being proactive or allowing isolation to distance you? Are you still clear on where we are going? Do you have questions you want or need answered so your stress levels at work can reduce to balance the lack of control in the wider environment?

I don’t suggest you do these things to find fault, but as part of your own internal audit. As we enter into another challenging time with subconscious fear entering our lives subliminally via the media and the impacts of losses of freedom and control – it is therefore a good time to check-in and make sure you are ready for what is needed to get you through. Just like limbering up for a race or pre-flight checks. It is just good practice.

“Check yourself first before checking someone else. To check oneself is the best way to know your own flaws.” – Disha Dibyasha

“Check yourself. Sometimes you are the toxic person. Understand that you make mistakes. You hurt people. Apologise. That’s growth. Understand there are things you need to work on – that’s enlightenment. Strive for continuous improvement, instead of fake perfection.” – Inderjeet Singh

“Follow your passion, Be yourself, but check yourself before you wreck yourself” – Andy Cohen

We run the risk of entering into a survival mode very easily at these times, on a number of fronts. Whilst physically that is by design to protect us it’s not an enduring model and is not without its’ damage. From a work perspective, this video interview with the CEO of Airbnb on his response to the lockdown can help us reflect on how we are each dealing with these times.

To make this more realistic, here’s what I’m gonna be doing to ensure I keep myself safe and focussed during that time, maybe that will give you some ideas.

  • Dedicated breaks throughout the day. I have a lot of meetings, but I have 3x 30mins slots in the day where I try to hold them empty as breaks – to reflect, go for a short walk, get lunch etc.

  • Add comedy as often as possible – every day when I have my lunchbreak (and I really do have 30mins away from my laptop) – I watch or listen to sketches or skits from my favourite comedians – there really do help me build my resilience and release frustrations. My friend watches an episode of the Repair shop in his lunchbreak – same reason different solution.

  • Spend some time with Drew Tarvin on the power of laughter

  • I’m a pagan hippie at heart, so I have crystals, cards and oils that help me balance my energy – whether they are on my desk to remind me, or I use them to help plan my day – they give me a different view from the corporate one and help me keep perspective.

  • I meditate daily to keep myself in check – some run, other garden or cook – it’s important you find you way to re-centre yourself.

  • Do something silly or fun every day – be that dancing around the kitchen to your guilty pleasure (mine is Dolly Parton) or taking part in an adrenaline spiking game for the desire to win..

Until next week…


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