Even in the darkest of times, there are always silver linings around us. As 2020 and the pandemic and lockdown take their toll, this blog is dedicated to sharing some of the positives.

The realities of 2020 and the creation of so many new normals is challenging for many. A situation none of us have ever been in before, and one that requires us to adapt and be aware of how we are responding to protect both our mental and physical health.
We are surrounded by advice, recommendations and news all driven by the potential horrors that await the months to come, and nothing drives up fear faster than a lack of certainty and control.
I’ve talked about this before from a clarity of work purpose perspective but now with all aspects of life seemingly out of control we need to take a step back, gain some balance and focus on what we can control to save our minds, and reduce the stress on our immune system.
I urge you to focus on what you can control, not on what you can’t. I’ve found this the most useful visual for this purpose:

So, with that in mind, this blog is dedicated to share some of the positives that are coming from the new normal. There is no doubt that change always comes with pros and cons. I by nature and by necessity of history have always focussed on finding the pros. It has served me well and protected my health.
I restrict my access to the news as it nearly always focusses on the negative. But I’m a shareholder in Positive News an awesome organisation that goes into the areas being covered in mainstream media and finds the nuggets of gold that can live inside a disaster. Check it out: https://www.positive.news/
This is no different and there are positives there, I think the main 5 are:
We are seeing humanity be kinder to others.
Around the world, people are clubbing together to both protect and support the most vulnerable in their community. These same communities that often we only focus on for specific reasons, like the elderly in winter with fuel crisis, the homeless on sleepout night or via financial contributions to charities.
Groups are popping up all over the place. Covid Mutual Aid UK lists all these new groups– there are almost 300 listed already – https://covidmutualaid.org/get-involved/.
The panic buying has actually resulted in a surge in “shop local” with small businesses finding ways to deliver to new customers where large chains can’t. Fresh veg and meat deliveries are soaring – investing in the local communities at a time of great hardship.
The queen reminded us of our history in the UK of this – I found it refreshing and inspiring
“ At times such as these, I am reminded that our nation’s history has been forged by people and communities coming together to work as one, concentrating our combined efforts with a focus on the common goal.”
We are seeing the environment starting recover a little
Air pollution and CO2 levels are dropping rapidly due to a decrease in energy consumption, that in itself is saving lives.

In Wuhan (now the Chinese city with the cleanest air) they’ve estimated between 50,000 and 75,000 premature deaths have been prevented already, simply due to cleaner air – that’s 20x more than will have been lost to the virus.
Water quality is increasing - rivers and oceans are cleaner. In Venice you can now see the fish in the canals
We are seeing innovation and creativity abound
Thousands of manufacturing companies are repurposing their factories to provide more of what we need be that Perfume companies making hand sanitiser (LVMH has made 16 tonnes in the past week) or car factories now making ventilators – 30,000 new ventilators are now ready for use in the UK - it’s amazing to see how innovative and creative people can be in a time of need.
People are getting creative to maintain contact and continue to ensure their usual hobbies, with an Online Choir making the news, but there are PT’s doing virtual sessions, art lessons by skype, virtual yoga. Be that via facebook or skype, or even in Italy on the balconies as streets sing and play music together.
Check out: Sofa Singers and Stay in and Sing as great examples. But there are thousands
We are getting the chance to slow down, reflect and get quality time with family and friends
Whilst there are thousands of memes floating around about how time with family can be challenging – there are also endearing stories of kids actually getting quality time with parents, couples able to reconnect – it’s lovely when the manic nature of life eating time isn’t there, and the focus is on the here and now.
With schools closing parents are being bombarded with tips to entertain and educate kids whilst working full-time from home. Vicky Blade shared lots on her Facebook and whole groups have sprung up like the Lockdown Tips group.
Friends and family are finding ways to stay connected – virtual wine sessions, group hangouts with friends – those who are often hard to get a hold of, suddenly with time to spare. I spent an enjoyable hour on Saturday, gin in hand, chatting with friends from across the UK and Canada – we usually only get to do once or twice a year in person.
We are noticing and appreciating nature more
We’re really noticing the little things – less traffic means you can hear the birds, you’ve time in your garden to see the flower blossoming, and with less pollution you can even smell them.
Gardens around the country are getting some well-earned attention as people embrace the need to out but in at the same time. I spent an enjoyable afternoon this weekend tending to my garden and ushering in some company with my fairy rock garden.
The sales of seeds have rocketed by 500% as people get busy embracing the start of spring, or even creating kitchen gardens.
My friend in London has been sharing little packages of fresh herbs to her neighbours in London (knock and retreat tactics in place of course)
With being allowed out to exercise, but with the need to social distance people are finding remote areas to walk in and enjoy the cleaner air, and quieter surroundings.
We’re embrace news technologies to find better ways to connect remotely
Teams had 500 times more downloads than ever before, Zoom as had a never expected resurgence
All manner of people are making use of technology to still enable them to interact with and serve their customers who can’t get to them. Yoga, Meditation, PT sessions, Art Classes, Music Lessons and teachers are all using technology.
If you’d usually head the gym or have a hobby then see you can continue if whilst at home. I like the Virtual Yoga and Meditation Classes.
Even the older generation are now finding how to embrace technology – my parents proudly told me they can now get Netflix on their TV and videochat me now.
At work, we all need to help find little positives in as many ways as possible. I know of teams creating social chat channels on Teams where they are sharing kids drawings of “what mum/dad does at work”; where add-ons are enabling us to say thank you or reward your colleagues for their help, support, humour or generosity (I send people virutal tacos). Virtual quizzes, dingbats, name that song, polls and keeping the in-office banter going whilst we’re all separated. Please do share what you’re doing to find positives in the current madness and help us all retain the balance we need to keep sane and healthy.
Until next time...